Thursday, May 3, 2012

week 11 and a half

Feelings: TIRED. Not all of the time, but a lot of the time. I'm not sure why, but I'm way more tired this week than I have been the past month. Usually after dinner I'll clean up the kitchen, take a shower, and be ready to go to sleep as soon as I'm done! Last night I fell asleep before Alex even made it into the room! I told Alex that sometimes it's annoying, but he told me that his boss says this is normal-apparently his boss has a few kids. Funny that I need reassurance for "tired being normal" from my husband, who hears it from his work environment. I had gotten an email from one of my baby websites that said I should start feeling better. I don't feel terrible, just exhausted.

Also, sometimes I get tired of eating food. If I get too hungry, then I feel sick, but then I get tired to finding something to eat. I have procrastinated longer than I usually do to meal plan the past couple of weeks. I felt like I wanted to try something different, but I couldn't think of what! We both are kind of picky when it comes to so more than I'd like to admit. I'm thankful to a website I found recently called Food on the Table. It's nice, because you can use it to plan meals according to sales, and according to dietary preferences. I don't have very  many right now, so I have plenty of meal options to chose from. Plus, the directions are pretty easy to understand. I still use my google calendar to plan meals, but this site is helpful for ideas.

By the way, I'm not sure I've EVER said that I'm tire of eating before. That used to by why I ran a that I could eat! I think that now that I have permission to eat...I feel like I have to in order to feel better...and for some reason that takes some of the fun out of it. Also, I think being tired may have something to do with that too. My meal plan this week should be easy enough.

I'm planning to meet with a dear friend tomorrow to discuss birthing information! Definitely excited about that.

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