Thursday, August 30, 2012

Day 81: Wrapping up goals

August has felt like a super long month. I'm glad September is starting soon.
 My goals are kind of pass/fail this month-either I did them or I didn't.

1. Try juicing:

Here is my beautiful sister-in-law Belle showing the first time I made carrot juice. We think it's delicious! I tried adding cucumber, and it was okay. I also added beet-it didn't make a huge difference in taste, but added a pretty color to the carrot juice. As much as we enjoy it, it's extra prep time, money, and cleaning that I don't want to do on a regular basis. I have delicious organic carrots in the fridge, and will make it when I feel like it. I might try making a bunch at one time and storing it (filled to the brim) in the fridge so that I don't have to make it every day. I'm glad I finally tried my juicer and feel comfortable using it.

2. Read "What is Reformed Theology?" Done! Glad to have finished it. It's a lot of information, but I think I understood it all. To discuss any of it I would need to re-read sections of it. Now I can move on to the next list of books Alex has recommended.

3. Read at least one other book for fun: Check! I finished the first set of Percy Jackson Books! The books are super-fun to read. 

4. Practice piano: fail, but only kind of. Let me explain. I started out this month thinking that if I practiced consistently, I would perhaps be able to play songs at church and help out with the music. However, as the month progressed, I realized that I would have to practice the piano like it is a major part-time, or even full time, job-and that would cut out time for other things. God's been showing me a lot this month about where my priorities should be, and right now that is being a wife, a home maker, and a soon-to-be mom. In order for me to do these well, I don't need to make time for playing the piano. I don't believe that's where God's called me to minister at this time. So I'm letting go of this idea, and fully pursuing the duties He has set before me.

Since starting my 100 Days of Pregnancy posts, I'm not sure I'm going to keep making monthly goals. I really liked reading the other link-ups this month, but I think my focus has shifted. I'll post what I'm looking forward to each month to help with the countdown, but the daily posts are enough for me to keep up with. Most of my goals stay the same for each month: help Alex with church stuff, meal plan, fix food and grocery shop within budget, get ready for the baby, and keep up with the house. I don't anticipate this changing much.

Looking forward to September bringing me that much closer to our baby girl!

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