Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Day 76: learning more about healthy pregnancy cooking

Today I did some house and church stuff, and spent some time watching some DVDs about healthy cooking and herbal-ing. Thanks to my friend Amy (who has two kids of her own and is a midwife) for them! She and her husband are also starting up a nursery (read: plants) business, and you can see their facebook page here.

The DVDs are all about healthy pregnancy-and although I'm sure I won't use all the herbs listed, it is fun to watch and I'm learning a lot. It's helpful with some ideas for food, and I like watching the girl cook-she's very charismatic and seems to enjoy what she is doing. She says things in a way that are easy to understand-and I think I could easily cook the meals that she talks about. It's called "Making Babies" which I think it a funny title-although it does cover fertility as well as pregnancy health, so it makes sense.

Thought about swimming for exercise, but just waded around with Angie. Now looking forward to Alex being home! That's all for today!

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