Breastfeeding is a challenge, no doubt about it. I don't know anyone who said it just came naturally. I'm way better at feeding Adara than when we first started. Now I feed her when she's hungry, tired, bored, or hurt. It's an easy solution to many problems.
I've found myself feeding her in some unusual situations. I found them amusing,so I thought I'd share:
- Breastfeeding in the shower
Before she could crawl, I could sit her next to the shower and talk to her. However, she started crawling into the shower with me and crying for me to pick her up. So I took her clothes off and cleaned her with me. She quickly discovered her food source while I was holding her and decided she wanted a snack.
-Breastfeeding while changing my clothes I used to put Adara in my lap while I changed from pajamas to regular clothes. I don't as often now because as soon as I take my pajamas off she latches and snacks away.
-Breastfeeding while changing Adara's clothes
She is SO wiggly! I tried to get her pajamas on and the only way to keep her still was to feed her. So I did, and finally got her in pajamas.
-Breastfeeding while going to the bathroom
Maybe that's gross, but she'd fallen and was screaming and I wanted her to stop. She did.
-Breastfeeding while riding in the car
She stayed in her car seat the entire time. I sat/leaned beside her. Alex drove. Mileage accomplished, and baby fed. No bottles necessary.
So where's the strangest place you've fed your baby? Am I the only one whose done these?