Friday, May 20, 2011

Vacations and Breaks

This past week, I spent my entire time in Orange Beach, Alabama. Beachside condo, and plenty of sunshine. Not quite as warm as I would have liked, but definitely a wonderful time off.

We also took time off from our fairly strick paleo/primal diet, and ate a plethora of junk food. Doughnuts, poptarts, strudel, biscuits, quesadillas, LOTS of ice cream, cookies, french fries, and other fried foods. I enjoyed each an every bite, but my stomach is an entirely different story. Considering how drastically my eating habits changed over a couple of days, I can see why my stomach has been writhing in pain when I devour mounds of sugar. I kept saying, "It's vacation, let's indulge!" Indulge we did.

But I wonder if I would have enjoyed my vacation just as much, if not more, if I had eaten well the whole time. I was clad in a bathing suit much of the time, and would probably have felt more comfortable with so much skin showing had I eaten the right way.

My mother-in-law introduced me to "The Whole 9 Challenge" and I am prepared to try it as soon as we get back from vaca. The website actually says to start right away, but we're planning to eat Chick-fil-a for breakfast, and I want a chicken biscuit.

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