Friday, November 14, 2014

Countdown to thanksgiving: day 14-God's grace in spite of my ungrateful attitude

Today I've struggled with feeling grateful for anything. I'm thankful God still gives me grace and that He still loves me when I'm having a bad attitude.
Today I've worried about food and if I'm making good choices, about money (and how we spend it so easily), about things that I need to get ready for upcoming appointments, hospital delivery, and managing everything once the new baby comes. I worry about Adara's lack of cooperation. I stress about getting Christmas presents ready ahead of time. I worry about how expensive my new prenatals are....and on and on. I know in my head that Jesus says not to worry, but sometimes I really have to pray. Thankfully His providence isn't dependent on me!

Thankfully my precious child still loves to cuddle even when I am impatient with her.

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