Monday, December 27, 2010


I work tomorrow. I spend time today cleaning up and organizing after Christmas. I ironed with starch for the first time ever (that I can remember), and I made some yummy pumpkin gingerbread.

I used my elliptical while watching a Netflix movie (Fame, and I enjoyed it), and I am happy to say that I will be doing this more often instead of eating junk food. Much better way to spend my time.


I've been thinking a lot about the use of my time. Well, I guess it's the time God has decided to give to me. How is the best way to manage this time? What is really most important. Right now, I believe that I should organize this time with these priorities:
1) My relationship with God
-reading the Bible and reflecting in prayer
2)My relationship with my husband
-making him the priority when we are together
-keeping the house in order ( clean house, clothes ironed, etc.)
-making meal plans for us
-keeping track of the budget
3)Everyone else
4) Me

Ok, this isn't how I actually manage "my" time, but I believe this is the correct order for my life.

Maybe starting a new year has me thinking of new resolutions-a new start. I might want to make some changes. Here are some thoughts:

Things I want to spend more time doing:
cooking/meal planning
housework/fixing up the house/organizing what we have
other crafts
spending time with family and friends
what Alex wants to do when he is home

Ok, so I can't just decide to do more without doing less as well. Here are some activities I could pull back on:
watching tv/movies
facebooking/other non-productive internet useage

Honestly, these are the only two things I can think of that I can give up to save time. Therefore, I will make this resolution:

If I am going to watch tv I must be doing one of the following:
watching it with someone else as a social activity
working out either on my elliptical or in some other manner
watching with Alex
crafting as long as it isn't slowing me down considerably (although, the best thing to do is to craft with a friend or family member)
Only get on the internet for specific purposes
set myself limits on internet time
use the internet to search for ways to volunteer

For some reason, I can't figure out how to post pictures anymore. I'll look into it.

Anyways, time management. It's important. What's really going to matter in the long run?

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